Friday, March 18, 2011


My mother always told me to follow that inner voice.

Time and again, I've been in situations where I feel that this "inner voice," gut feel, instinct, whatever term works for one, has to be followed. At times, with reluctance, I tried "weighing" things and say to myself perhaps it is just me and I have to go against this bulong from within. It is in those moments that I know I made a wrong turn when repercussions manifest rather immediately after going against my guts. 

Even the stars confirm my mother's counsel. Especially with my sign (I'm a fire-snake Cancerian).

Now comes another fork on the road. The coming week is highly crucial and the inner voice is strongly advising a move yet again.

Alas - with heavy eyelids from a restless night, and a relentlessly strong dose of caffeine - I start the day as I always do...And this is what the stars, the cards, and the guide have to say: 

"March 20 marks the Astrological New Year as the Sun moves into Aries, a transit that always brings an exciting change of pace. But this year, March 19 to 21 are packed with some intense planetary action that will leave you feeling like you're shifting gears in the middle of a high-speed chase!

On March 19, the Sun ends its jaunt through Pisces with a tricky opposition to the full Moon in Virgo. Pisces likes to drift along, while Virgo is all about planning, planning and more planning. When combined, the two can leave you feeling pulled in opposite directions; if you can rise above the push-and-pull, however, you'll manage to find a solution that satisfies both your heart and your mind.

Then, on March 20, the Sun finally surges into Aries, where it will set up shop for the next four weeks. Any sensitivity you've felt recently will suddenly be replaced by a desire for competition and adventure. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries loves to be number one -- and you'll feel the same way!

As if settling into gung-ho Aries wasn't enough, the Sun will pair up with Uranus on March 21. Don't bother trying to compromise right now, because it won't happen. Rather, this is a time for radical change, and whether that change is good or bad will depend on you. If you volunteer yourself for something new and exciting, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what the stars hold for you!"

And so it is.The cards have spoken..



Ready. Steady. GO!!!!

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